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Document Line Presentation Awarded with Credit Points of Archives of the Republic of Slovenia

Archives of the Republic of Slovenia confirm 0.5 credit points to all archiving service vendors, who participate in our »Management and safe storage of digital documents« presentation.

Gama System is regularly presenting its document line, on a seminar which is content, rather than commercially oriented. Seminars describe general concepts of document management techniques using an advanced DMS system, such as Gama System® eDocs and e-archiving solution Gama System® E-Archive.

Presentation »Management and Safe Storage of Digital Documents« is acredited with 0.5 credit points from Arhives of the Republic of Slovenia, due to its professional and content oriented agenda.

Credit points are targeted at additional professional training of e-archiving service vendors. Archives of Slovenia in its 12. paragraph of Professional Training Guideline for public administration and employees of e-archiving service vendors (Official Gazette RS, 132/2006) requires that its employees must gather two (five, in their field) credit points in the first three years of operation.

Next presentation is taking place on Thursday, August 30., 2007 in Ljubljana.

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